
GDR Atomes Froids GDR Atomes Froids
The Cold Atom Predoc School program is supported and organized in the framework of the GDR Atomes froids, supported by the CNRS.
PALM (Paris-Saclay, France) PALM (Paris-Saclay, France)
This school is supported by a public grant from the "laboratoire d'Excellence Physics Atoms Light Matter" (LabEx PALM) overseen by the French National research Agency (ANR) as part of the "Investissements d'Avenir" program (reference: ANR-10-LABX-0039-PALM).
Institut Henri Poincaré (Paris, France) Institut Henri Poincaré (Paris, France)
This school is supported by a doctoral program school grant from the Institut Henri Poincaré.
International Cold Atom Network INTERCAN International Cold Atom Network INTERCAN
This school is supported by a grant from the International Cold Atom Network INTERCAN, which is promoting European collaboration of research and education in the field of dilute atomic and molecular quantum systems. The Cold Atom Predoc School program has been initiated several years ago by this network.
Fédération IRSAMC (Toulouse, France) Fédération IRSAMC (Toulouse, France)
This school is supported by a grant from the IRSAMC federation.
This school is supported by a grant from the GDR ThéMS, supported by the CNRS.
DIM SIRTEQ (Région Ile-de-France) DIM SIRTEQ (Région Ile-de-France)
The DIM Sirteq and Région Ile-de-France contribute to the funding of five grants for the PhD students of the laboratories of their network.
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