Edit 23/07/2020: Due to the unequal Covid-19 situations and travel conditions worldwide, we feel that conditions are not met to organize this event without uncertainties. We decided to cancel the school, unfortunately :( . While forming and teaching students are very important to us, we decided to consider the health of the participants and risks first. This is really a heart-breaking decision. We worked on this project for almost 2 years now, we were excited about the program and were delighted to see you all there. We hope there will be another occasion, another time, to set up such a nice program again.
The Cold Atom Predoc School is organized every year in Les Houches School of Physics, in the framework of the GDR Atomes froids in the continuity of a PhD program started in 2004. The objective of the school is to give students starting a PhD thesis in this field all the necessary knowledge on Laser cooling, Cold collisions, Quantum degenerate gases, and Optical lattices for the success of their project. This year, the school will in addition cover the growing topic of Ultracold molecules and their Quantum applications.
The school will take place from October 5 to October 16, 2020. Registrations are open from March 16 to June 30, 2020. Registrations are now closed.
The preliminary scientific program at a glance is given below (the titles of the lectures might slightly change). In total, the school covers 51 hours of lectures and 3 hours of posters session.
Download the schedule

Follow here for information about the previous session, held in 2019.